Piano Lessons in Hamburg

Our music school in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel specializes in quality piano lessons that combine thorough training with a learning method that is individually tailored to you. Whether you are looking for an inspiring introduction to playing the piano or professional guidance to fulfill your musical goals, you can count on us to provide you with friendly, constructive lessons. We are here to help you to feel music intensely, understand it deeply, play expressively and, most importantly, to love making music!

Musikschule Yuzu in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel

Lesson Options

Piano Lessons for Children and Adults

Solo lessons focus on you and your interests. In addition to developing the skills necessary to play the piano and learning your favorite pieces as well as the masterpieces of different eras, our lessons will encourage you to be musically creative. From improvisation and arranging songs to music theory and ear training — there's a lot to discover and to enjoy!

In partner lessons, two students form a pair and take lessons together at the same time. Partner lessons work particularly well for children of a similar age and level. They get the benefit of learning from each other’s successes and setbacks and motivate each other to keep learning. Making music is more fun when you can share your journey with a friend.

We also offer 10-lesson courses for adults who are either unable to attend weekly lessons or wish to have a crash course in order to accomplish a set goal in a short amount of time.

Pianozwerge: Classes for 3-5 Year Olds

Pianozwerge is a weekly 45-minute class for preschool children. In small groups of four to six children, they explore music and the piano while learning the skills they need to succeed in formal piano lessons. Children are able to stay focused for the full class with gamified learning strategies and a variety of activities, including songs, movement and improvisation.

The curriculum is designed for the developmental needs of preschool children and focuses on experiencing music rather than practicing it. There are no homework assignments and children do not need to have a piano at home to participate in classes. However, it is beneficial for them to have some kind of instrument at home to experiment on, such as an affordable keyboard. They will also benefit from doing some optional activities and listening assignments with you at home.

Parents normally do not stay for this class but are welcome to participate, especially in the first few weeks.


Music School in Eimsbüttel

Hellkamp 25
20255 Hamburg

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our music school in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel, conveniently located near U2 Osterstraße and Lutterothstraße.

Lessons in Your Home in Hamburg

We can travel to your home in Eimsbüttel, Sternschanze, Rotherbaum, Harvestehude, Hoheluft, Eppendorf, Alsterdorf and other neighborhoods in Hamburg.

Online Lessons

Online lessons allow you to learn no matter where you are in the world. They can be a great fit if you require a lot of flexibility. Read the FAQ below to find out more.


  • Online lessons allow you to learn from any place you happen to be in the world and even at any time you feel like having a lesson! Besides interactive, "live" lessons via video conferencing, it's also possible to take asynchronous lessons — you send us recorded videos of your playing along with any questions or concerns you may have, and we reply with videos containing detailed commentary, practice suggestions and demonstrations. The major advantage to this is, of course, the flexibility and convenience you gain.

    To insure that you are able to get the most out of our online lessons, we have invested in a high quality set up. Two camera angles, a projection of the sheet music and excellent sound quality with external microphones help you to hear and see all of the important details. On your end, you only need good headphones and a mobile device or laptop.

  • We often get asked whether it's too early or too late for someone to start learning the piano. Our answer is: all healthy human beings above the age of three or four are capable of playing piano. Learning an instrument, at any age, enriches our lives in many ways.

    For children that start to learn an instrument at a young age, making music can become as natural a part of their self-expression as language, gesture and facial expression. Kids get to discover themselves and much more through music lessons. For example, they learn how to be open to unexpected surprises and new discoveries while playing and practicing and to trust in the learning process, even when the gratification from all their hard work is delayed rather than immediate.

    For adults and teenagers, learning to play the piano can also be a very rewarding endeavor. Because they've lived more and already know themselves quite well, older students are able to understand musical concepts more quickly and improve their technique much more systematically and thoroughly than younger students. Even seniors who start learning in their golden years are able to develop the necessary muscle coordination and musical imagination to play movingly. Similar to learning a new foreign language or taking up a new sport, music can become a passionate hobby for anyone who wishes to invest time in it.

  • We regularly invite our students to participate in recitals. Entertaining an audience and learning to handle nerves are valuable skills for musicians and pretty much everyone else too.

    Besides, it's fun, gives us a great reason to work extra hard and sometimes even reveals unexpected sides of ourselves of which we were unaware. Recitals are also a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow piano enthusiasts and to share the joy of making music, whether playing solo, in a duet or with other instruments or voices, together with family and friends.

  • Yuzu or 柚子 is an intensely aromatic citrus fruit and tastes like a combination of grapefruit, lemon and orange. Originally from China, today it is mainly cultivated in Japan, which produces about half of all the yuzu fruit in the world.

    Yuzu is also the name of a fiery, spirited Shiba Inu who lives with Yu Tang, one of our piano teachers. Here are some photos.